Foreign Admissions

BS/MED Programmes

The Complete List of BS/MED Programmes in the United States

So, we have been talking a lot about combined medical programmes (BS/MED programmes). The reason is that this is the new and the increasingly popular option for getting into college for a medical degree. Well, you might wonder why exactly many people are drifting towards this new dual-degree path over the more traditional undergrad path. …

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Accommodation options for students in the United States

Accommodation Options for the International College Student in the United States

One of the scariest things about travelling abroad, or going to any new place at all, is the feeling of being lost and alone with nowhere to stay. And with the increase in crime rate around the world, I guess it’s pretty understandable why anyone would feel worried about going to a new place without …

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How college waitlist works

Understanding How the College Waitlist Works

Nobody likes to be on the waitlist, especially if you don’t understand how the college waitlist works. After doing all that’s necessary for your college application, it’s now time to get a decision from the different colleges and universities you have applied. The entire process of working hard for an outstanding SAT score, ensuring that …

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